Via Trasvolatori Atlantici, 40 Chiesuol del Fosso (Fe) 44124 Ferrara

Via Trasvolatori Atlantici, 40 Chiesuol del Fosso (Fe) 44124 Ferrara

Metalsag, con lo sguardo rivolto al futuro

Vi offriamo soluzioni complete nel settore industriale per tutti i servizi riguardanti il taglio, la sbavatura, la curvatura etc dei tubi...

Metalsag Lavora con

Carpenteria, Oleodinamica, settore telaistico. settore dell'allestimento, settore agricolo...

Professionalità Precisione Passione

Le tre P di Metalsag, che ogni giorno si impegna ad offrire ai propri clienti un servizio sempre aggiornato

I nostri servizi

Agricultural Processing

Area tackled in the most fundamental to parts of medi cal research include cellular and molecular biology.

Pharmaceutical Research

Area tackled in the most fundamental to parts of medi cal research include cellular and molecular biology.

Power & Energy

Area tackled in the most fundamental to parts of medi cal research include cellular and molecular biology.

Material Engineering

Area tackled in the most fundamental to parts of medi cal research include cellular and molecular biology.

Mechanical Engineering

Area tackled in the most fundamental to parts of medi cal research include cellular and molecular biology.

Petroleum and Gas

Area tackled in the most fundamental to parts of medi cal research include cellular and molecular biology.

About Our Industry

About Our Industry

Industrial Inc traces its roots back to 1970 in newyork and since then have never looked back. Go Speed Racer. Go Speed Racer. Go Speed Racer go. So lets make the most of this beautiful day. Since we're to gether Their house is a museum where people come to see ‘em. They really are a scream.Family.For more than 25 years, Construction has offered a wide range of construction services in Colorado, many other cities of United States. and around the world.

For more than 38 years, We offer the most complete industrial solutions in the country, for the research, design and development of materials.

About More

Contattaci per info & preventivi

Ti risponderemo nel minor tempo possibile.

Metal-Sag S.r.l. opera a Ferrara ed è un’azienda che si occupa della lavorazione di tubi rigidi fino al Ø 60 quale curvatura e deformazione tramite macchine di ultima generazione a CNC.


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